What is an energy drink?

The name should be self explanatory right? It’s a drink that has energy in it. By that definition then any beverage that has a bit of sugar, fat or protein - our sources of energy - would be an energy drink. That means most products on the supermarket shelf in the drink section could be called this if you wanted to…

Knowing that almost any drink could be called an energy drink, technically, it made us think about what a good one should be. We believe an energy drink should be a power up, a drink that recharges the human battery and makes you feel energised. Q: So how do you do that? A: Science.

Inside living things there is a process called cellular respiration, and at some point in time you may have heard something about how the ‘mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell’. Well, that’s because they’re doing the respiration. They take sugar, fat and protein and quite literally burn it with oxygen (I call it flameless combustion) to charge up molecular batteries. These batteries, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), are what powers everything a cell does. The B-vitamins support this process so that’s where our focus is. We aim to have more B-vitamins per serving than any other energy drink out there.

We won’t put six teaspoons of refined sugar in causing a blood sugar spike, which ironically makes us sleepy. We won’t use a stimulant like caffeine that clogs up sleep signals in the brain causing a crash later. We will give you an energy drink that does what you think it should - energise you.


Lemon-Limeade Flavour Coming Soon